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How I find my kids’ lost glasses
Every parent knows that children are expensive. Therefore, as parents, we feel obligated to be proactive about having strategies in place for when something goes wrong. Lost items are a plague for parents and their checking accounts, but now that advanced...
Finding my lost Glasses
If you’re like me and misplace your glasses somewhere in your apartment, especially when you’re in the middle of something; then hours later, completely forget where you put them. More often than not, they are right in front of you, but you still miss seeing them, but...
How to find your lost glasses if you dont have a Find by Foxsmart
Even if you don’t have a Find by Foxsmart Eyeglasses tracker, we are here to help! This is the ultimate cheat sheet to help you find your glasses before you decide to purchase your first Find by Foxsmart. The most common mistake and the reason a search for your lost...
The silent Eyewear locator
Find your Find by Foxsmart without sounding the Alarm Find by Foxsmart is the only tracking device worldwide, which has a silent search mode. What does this mean? You might find yourself in a situation when sounding the Alarm is not the right option in that particular...
How to Make the House Safer for Dementia Patients
Patients with memory disorders such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) function best in a calm and well-structured environment. That means eliminating potential sources of trouble as much as you can. According to the National Center for Injury Prevention, falls...